Donna Maria Rosario de Lumbre
Her Excellency Donna Maria Rosario de Lumbre, Contessa De Lumbre is the wife of The Comte De Lumbre. Married in April 2011 and fromhumble origins the Countess is an acclaimed Flamenco dancer and has continued her love and now patronage of this particular art form. The Hispanian monarchy, from which her her husband derives his noble title, survived the Bloody Revolution of 1995. Thus the De Lumbre family has continued in their responsibilities and lifestyles uninterrupted and unscathed except for for the extended family abroad being affected. It did however leave an unsettling fear of revolution within the Hispanian monarchy.
Today at age 35, the Countess works alongside her husband on his extensive wine and olive oil producing farms. Owner of several castles the family has large obligations toward the International Heritage Trust and fulfills them by managing most of the properties as museums and not just as private residences. The Countess, lay scholars of medieval history takes pride in her role as far as the castles go. She attempts also to spend as much time as possible performing Flamenco but only to raise money for charities.
Animal abuse takes high priority with the Donna Maria who grew up hating the violent side and death associated with Bull fighting. At age 11 her uncle sold a bull to the ring not knowing that the young Maria had taken a liking to it in preceding months often visiting its pastures to look at it and sketch it. Its horrific death affected her deeply. Upon becoming a Countess she chose to use her influence and started a national campaign to eradicate all harm being caused to bulls in the ring. Controversy has obviously been sparked as traditionalists refuse to compromise ancient traditions in the face of total bans. The Countess a passionate Spaniard, hopes to find a middle path and proposes an ‘American Rodeo’ style Bull fight where artistic performance of the matador is the goal rather than the torture and death of an innocent animal. She is currently petitioning the Queen to avert total bans in favour of her proposal. If her efforts become law she will go down in history as the lady who saved the matador and the bull at the same time.
So, don’t mess with Donna Maria she will dance circles around you.
The Spirit of Music